Artistic Styles
Overview of Artistic Styles Exhibitions [HTML]
Painting Styles Illustrated in 18th and 19th Century Japanese Books [PDF] [HTML]
Two Centuries of Flower And Bird Art in Japanese Woodblock-Printed Picture Books [PDF] [HTML]
Kachō Gafu flower-bird picture albums from Meiji Era (1868-1912) Japan [PDF] [HTML]
Informative and Entertaining Japanese Picture Books With Art By Bairei Kōno [PDF] [HTML]
Nihonga-Style Copy Books [PDF] [HTML]
Japanese Ukiyo-style Bird Prints [PDF] [HTML]
Entertaining Bird Prints from the Japanese Floating World Era [PDF] [HTML]
Suggestive Bird Pictures in Japanese Art Books from the 18th and 19th Centuries [PDF] [HTML]
Realistic Japanese Printed Bird Art from the early 20th century [PDF] [HTML]
Gray skies, rain and snow in Japanese Flower-and-Bird Art [PDF] [HTML]
Japanese Sōsaku Hanga: Bird Prints [PDF] [HTML]
Creative Flower Prints [PDF] [HTML]
Imaginative Modern Japanese Bird Prints [PDF] [HTML]
Simplifying Stylistic Diversity in Contemporary Art: Japanese bird prints from 1950 to the present day [PDF] [HTML]